Su escuela Tutor Time de Baldwin, NY

Tutor Time de Baldwin

877.684.1613877.684.1613 o Solicite que lo llamemos
¿Padre inscrito?: Contáctenos
Abierto: L-V, 6:30 a. m.- 6:00 p. m.
Edades: 6 semanas - 12 años
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7 de 7

Enroll now and save up to $350!*

Bienvenido a nuestra escuela

Welcome families! My name is Toni Ann DeFranco and I am the center director here at Tutor Time Baldwin. I have been with the Tutor Time family for seven years, holding various positions including lead infant teacher, team lead and my current position as director. I am new to the Baldwin family but cannot wait to tell you all about our center.

When we get back to the basics of our center, it is through our unique curriculum that we nurture children's physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. Our school offers various early education programs including Infant care, Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten and Before- and After-School care.

Our center also utilizes unique Smart Board technology in the Pre-K classrooms, which allows the children to have a hands-on learning experience through intelligent, web-based literacy and math activities. Los niños y los maestros pueden manipular información al tocar con la mano.

¡Tenemos un maravilloso equipo de maestros! Ellos se capacitan durante todo el año para estar actualizados en el área de enseñanza en la primera infancia. We are one big family and we take great pride in our center.

Estamos comprometidos a mantenerlo conectado durante todo el día mientras su hijo está bajo nuestro cuidado. Obtenga acceso a transmisión de video en vivo del aula de su hijo, además de otras actualizaciones en tiempo real, con nuestra aplicación móvil exclusiva para familias, SproutAbout.

Please feel free to call us at any time to learn more about our school! We cannot wait to meet your family!

A continuación lo que la gente tiene para decir

5 de 5 estrellas
Generally this school is the best place to cognitively, socially and physically be. It is very nice and comfortable. My child loves entering the school, interacting and learning on a daily basis. Not to meantion my child's fine and gross motor skills are amazing. I teacher my child at home and I feel like they finish where I left off I'm thankful
Verified Shopper
Love TT Baldwin Ms Samantha And Ms Alex and all the teachers are wonderful
Verified Shopper
My wife and I enjoy the school very much and our son truly enjoys it. He comes home happy from his day which is truly important to us and he is learning things.
Verified Shopper
The staff at the Baldwin Tutor Time really care about my kids. They all know their names even if they're not in their class. They go out of their way to make sure my family feels warm and welcome. Great team
Verified Shopper
Sending our son Isaac to Tutor Time in Baldwin has been such a blessing. He is growing and thriving. It was a rough beginning because he was at home for so long, but now he loves his teachers, and classmates. He prays for them every night calling each person by name. It warms my heart to know that he is loved and cared for by such a great staff. Ms. Kim, Ms. Nina, Ms. Gracie and Ms. Alley has really
been a precious gift for our son. From the depths of my heart, I thank you. To the entire staff, you all are the best. Thanks for taking such care of my little man.May God richly bless you! Mrs. J. Robinson
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Verified Shopper
The teacher is wonderful makes you feel comfortable leaving your child there . She always keeping you informed.
Verified Shopper
Tutor time baldwin is filled with lovely staff members that are great with kids!
Verified Shopper
Overall, I do t have any complaints and I have had three children enrolled at this school. The teachers are very professional and so is the staff. The director is great!
Verified Shopper

Programas Tutor Time por edad


¡Es la mejor experiencia veraniega! Será una temporada fantástica, llena de amistades, juegos, descubrimientos, excursiones, comidas deliciosas y más. Disfrute de lo maravilloso del verano.

Explorar nuestro campamento de verano

Conozca sobre los programas opcionales

Por una tarifa adicional, vaya más allá de las experiencias de aprendizaje en el aula con nuestra serie mejorada de programas de enriquecimiento divertidos e interactivos que exploran una variedad de actividades. Ofrecemos:

Fútbol, música, yoga, español, fonética, escritura y matemática avanzada

Abra una ventana al día de su hijo.

SproutAbout®, nuestra aplicación exclusiva para las familias, brinda de forma gratuita streaming de video en vivo del aula de su hijo en su dispositivo móvil.

Conozca más

Conozca nuestro personal

Toni Ann DeFranco , directora

Educación: Bachelor in Child and Family Studies

Certificaciones: RCP, primeros auxilios y MAT

Hi families!! My name is Toni Ann DeFranco and I am the center director at Baldwin Tutor Time. I have been a part of the Learning Care Group family for the last 10 years. I grew up in East Northport, NY and currently reside in Oceanside. I come from a big Italian family with a lot of kids and have a passion for togetherness because of it. Our center is like one big happy family. ¡Esperamos verlo pronto!

Conozca nuestro personal

Edith Young, administradora educativa de la escuela

Educación: A.S in Early Childhood & B.S in Psychology

Certificaciones: CPR, First Aid,

Hi my name is Edith Young. I am the School Education Manager here at Baldwin Tutor Time. I have over 25 years experience working with children from the ages of six months to five years of age. I have an A.S degree in early childhood and a B.S in psychology. I have four wonderful children and a husband who supports me completely. I love being a part of the Tutor Time family!😊

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Número de teléfono de la escuela local: 516.377.3337516.377.3337 Licencia #: 00750379DCC

*La oferta es para un crédito de inscripción de hasta $350. El crédito por la tarifa por inscripción se aplica una vez inscripto (la tarifa de inscripción varía según la ubicación). La oferta es válida según haya espacio disponible para todos los grupos de edades. Sin valor en efectivo. Límite de una oferta por niño, para usar una sola vez. Ciertas restricciones se pueden aplicar a las familias con subsidios. Consulte los detalles en la escuela. Oferta no válida para los asociados de Learning Care Group o sus familias inmediatas. Oferta válida únicamente en las ubicaciones participantes y sujeto a disponibilidad. Los programas y el horario de funcionamiento puede variar según la escuela. La oferta no es garantía de inscripción. Es necesario inscribirse antes del 13 de septiembre de 2024. Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. ©2024 Learning Care Group (EE. UU.) No. 2 Inc.;
